We believe in the power of SQL

Ten years ago, it looked as if we'd need Hadoop or NoSQL to me—et the challenge of big data, but we now know that the relational database can handle data at scale. Pick any relational database you believe in — we support them all.

Ursa Studio’s no-code platform grants the full transformational power of SQL to our users. The relational database can do nearly anything you need it do — no need to pull out data to external tools to transform.


ELT is a better approach for healthcare data analytics than ETL

Ursa Studio is built to pair with whatever loading tools you already have in place. When it comes to getting your data into database tables, we believe the loading tool should simply import the data in its truest original form. This approach is called ELT (extract, load, transform) because all the transformation — cleaning, conformance, and enrichment — can occur in the database after the load has finished, using SQL.

ELT’s benefits for healthcare

Leverage the full power of SQL during the highly complex healthcare data transformation process

Break down data siloes for analysts and enable greater collaboration along the analytics journey

Lower technical overhead and maintenance with a leaner stack

Gain a unified, transparent process for data cleanup

Maintain the accessibility of raw source data

Provide access to valuable data generated during intermediate processing steps

Respond nimbly to new sources of data and changing requirements


We help you focus on what matters

Using a hierarchical data model means keeping track of the network of dependencies between upstream and downstream EDW tables so that refreshes can be executed in the correct sequence.

With Ursa Studio, analysts without programming expertise can successfully build out and refresh the relevant data tables, and your team can shift their time from documenting the dependency tree to the intellectual, creative build of the logic.


Ursa Studio makes this process easy:

With no user set-up, Ursa Studio automatically detects dependencies between tables in the refresh, completely eliminating the need for manual, error-prone tracking.

Ursa Studio executes full and partial data model ELTs in the most efficient sequence — for example, kicking off the next round of tables as soon as possible rather than waiting to complete an entire layer before proceeding.

The parts are greater than the sum

Each step in the process creates value-added output. With Ursa Studio, these intermediate data products are not locked away by black-box policies or in uninterpretable, proprietary states.

With these complex calculations simplified, your team can shift their time from documenting the dependency tree to the intellectual, creative build of the logic.

These calculations can:

Feed and augment third-party visualization tools

Serve as the rich substrate for your data scientists to produce predictive models

Act as the trigger in a downstream application — for example, flagging patients needing certain interventions within your clinical system

Your environment, your choices

Whether you're building your own pipelines or using off-the-shelf software, the most maintainable way to work with data is to create tables within your database. Data should only be shipped off through other pipelines or black-box tooling as a last resort.

Ursa Studio works by creating a hierarchical data model within your database, then progressively creating tables within that database. This structure facilitates seamless integration with your existing data assets and technology investments and promotes reusability, accuracy, consistency, and overall performance.


Want to talk?

We’d love to hear about your ideas for innovating in your organization and see if we can help ease you past your pain points.