Your environment, your choices

Ursa Studio provides end-to-end capabilities ready to answer your data and analytics needs—broadly across the full enterprise or deeply within a strategic program. But it can also serve a vital role as an integrating solution, making the most of your existing tools and completed work while closing any gaps.

Concerned about tool fatigue? Already have a deployed visualization tool? Need to feed your proprietary product or your EMR? Use Ursa Studio for the heavy lifting of creating the insight and then augment the value of the tools that your users already leverage.

Data warehouse tables

Already have a validated data warehouse? Or scripts to clean source system tables? Have new source data arriving frequently? Load in your existing assets and unleash the no-code power of Ursa Studio to help you move forward, eliminating the pain of migrating to a new tool.

The platform’s Object Workshop is agnostic of the underlying data structure, so you can point to any table within your environment. In minutes, you can be cleaning that raw data or building on the validated table.

In addition, the platform’s enriched data tables live in your data model in an easily interpretable state, so other tools can leverage them for any purpose.


Even though you’re starting with a new tool, there’s no need to throw out valuable work and hard-earned results. Paste in your SQL/R/Python code, and Ursa Studio will automatically incorporate it into the ETL, allowing you to immediately start new development.

Measure results

Each step in the process of turning raw data into meaning creates value-added output. With Ursa Studio, these intermediate data products are not locked away by black box policies or in uninterpretable, proprietary states.

The platform’s Measure Builder capability generates the analytic frames behind the visualizations within Analytics Portal, our native visualization tool. The data visualizations that Analytics Portal generates can be embedded via API into your existing workflow tools.

Or these complex calculations can:

Feed and augment third-party visualization tools

Serve as the rich substrate for your data scientists to produce predictive models

Act as the trigger in a downstream application—for example, flagging patients needing certain interventions within your clinical system

Want to talk?

We’d love to hear about your ideas for innovating in your organization and see if we can help ease you past your pain points.