We’re always busy here at Ursa Health, but over the last few months we’ve been engaged in a special project: reinventing Ursa Health's brand identity.
Companies revisit their brand identities for many reasons. (Entrepreneur highlights the top 10 here.) In healthcare IT, with its high level of M&A activity, seeing a new or updated logo is pretty commonplace—and perhaps not that noteworthy outside of the marketing community.
Internally, however, it’s a big deal. First off, and just speaking practically here, developing and deploying a new brand identity is a lot of work. You have to be clear on your purpose, be graced with a highly talented agency or internal design team to execute the creative, process many iterations (and many opinions, not all of them completely aligned) before you decide what feels right for your company, and then roll it all on out—to employees, customers, prospects, partners, and anyone else you work with or could potentially work with. That last part: Have you ever considered how many things have your company logo on them? I have, and I have the thousand-line asset inventory spreadsheets to prove it.
A second important point is that people grow attached to good brands, which is what you want and what you risk when you implement any brand-related change. That leads to a third point: You must be changing things for good reason and for the better. In other words, don’t mess it up, and make sure it fits who you are as a company as well as who you want to be.
One of our great clients recently commented, “Ursa is a secret that should not be kept contained. It should be proliferated and spread to everyone who believes that data and analytics help.” That's a good reason for investing in our new brand identity as a bit of a coming-out party.
What we hope you see in our new logo, look and feel, website, and other materials is a suggestion of the organic nature of our approach to helping healthcare organizations rapidly and intelligently innovate and grow. You’ll see nature photos on our website more than healthcare or high-tech photos because—despite the fact that we are 100% dedicated to healthcare and have some of the most sophisticated analytics technology on the market—we wanted to look beyond features to the type of learning environment that a successful data and analytics development environment promotes. So instead, we reference nature, where something as simple as a leaf can be so beautiful and apparently simple, while its underlying structure is quite complex and highly organized to fulfill a very specific and important function.
We extended many of these visual changes to Ursa Studio, our fully no-code analytics development platform. However, for version 4.0, we also took a fresh look at opportunities to freshen, streamline, clarify, and otherwise make sure the platform is as easy as possible for new users to grasp and use quickly. For example, we’ve simplified and unified product and capability names as well as general nomenclature, and we’ve reorganized features that may have developed organically but would benefit from greater inter-feature consistency. These small details, we hope, add to the overall coherence and intelligibility of a powerful and complex platform.
This is just the beginning of a bigger, brighter market presence for Ursa Health, one that our growth merits. We’re excited about the future and look forward to sharing more with you in the months and years to come. If you haven’t yet, please consider subscribing to our news, so you don’t miss a thing. You can do so immediately below this blog post.